To choose another mode, just type in the console the game mode after the map name.Example:map c1m4_atrium realismHow to join a LAN game: When the game is created, the remaining thing to do is to let other players join the game. Those with The Passing campaign, the campaign code assignment isc6.List of all Left 4 Dead 2 maps: Dead Center:c1m1_hotel c1m2_streetsc1m3_mall c1m4_atriumThe Passing:c6m1_riverbank c6m2_bedlam c6m1_portDark Carnival:c2m1_highway c2m2_fairgrounds c2m3_coasterc2m4_barns c2m5_concertSwamp Fever:c3m1_plankcountry c3m2_swampc3m3_shantytown c3m4_plantationHard Rain:c4m1_milltown_a c4m2_sugarmill_a c4m3_sugarmill_bc4m4_milltown_b c4m5_milltown_escapeThe Parish:c5m1_waterfront c5m2_park c5m3_cemeteryc5m4_quarter c5m5_bridgeList of all game modes: campaign scavenge realismsurvival versus mutationIf thegameTypeis left blank, the hosted game will default to acampaigngame with normal difficulty. Press Enter.Basically the command to create a local game is this:map nameOfMapHere gameTypeAn example of a map is thisc5m1_waterfront.c5stands for campaign five,m1for chapter/map one, andwaterfrontthe corresponding name. Use your keyboard arrows to scroll to your desired map.7. Right after you press Space all the playable maps will be displayed.6. In the console, typemapthen press Space.5. Typesv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0then press Enter.4.

Open the Developer Console by pressing`on your keyboard. ClickAutomatically Discover LAN Gamesand selectEnabled.With all the necessary settings set up, it"s now time to host a game.How to create or host a Left 4 Dead 2 local (LAN) game: 1.
#Left 4 dead 2 connection failed after 10 retries how to
How to automatically detect LAN games: 1.