
Omega level mutants
Omega level mutants

(1:44:00) All this and more from the new format of XI4P – we hope you survive the experience! With only one more Spider-Girl solo episode to go, the MC2 universe is in for some huge change. (1:02:00) Lastly, Spider-Girl continues her arc-based storytelling with Marked For Death, volume 11 of her solo title, bringing what must be a dozen storylines from her first 5 years to a conclusion, seemingly writing out no less than 3 major characters.

omega level mutants

Seth presents the first truly compelling, difficult to defeat villain for Spider-Girl in sometime in volume 10. (0:00:00) Spider-Girl enters the Season Of The Serpent, a major six-part arc turning the world of Spider-Girl upside down and inside out – simultaneously changing the title to match the evolving comics medium while bringing back plots from literally 50 issues earlier (the second episode of MC2, XI4P 331). Then the team takes a look at the only issue of Spider-Girl so far not to be written by Tom DeFalco, which does not receive highest marks, despite Nico’s memories to the contrary from his youth in Spider-Girl volume 9.

omega level mutants

What do they all have in common? They’re all in this arc, running in parallel stories, forcing the Spider-Girl title we’ve known to transform into her next form. Spider-Girl grows up hard, goes arc-based, and the MC2 will never, ever be the same! After last episode’s first-ever Spider-Girl only look at the MC2 where Nico and TK saw the best and worst of Spider-Girl’s title, jump into the three best consecutive volumes of the MC2niverse yet.

Omega level mutants